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The role of risk and protective factors in the modification of risk for sexual victimization, sexual risk behaviors, and survival sex among homeless youth: A meta‐analysis

Online Supplementary Material. Table 1. Meta‐analysis results, including odds ratios (OR) with confidence intervals (95% CI) for the influence of substance use risk factors on associations between homelessness sexual victimization, sexual risk behavior and survival sex.

Online Supplementary Material. Table 2. Meta‐analysis results, including odds ratios (OR) with confidence intervals (95% CI) for the influence of nonsexual street victimization, crime perpetration and antisocial behavior risk factors on associations between homelessness sexual victimization, sexual risk behavior and survival sex.

Online Supplementary Material. Table 3. Meta‐analysis results, including odds ratios (OR) with confidence intervals (95% CI) for the influence of demographic and child abuse risk factors on associations between homelessness sexual victimization, sexual risk behavior and survival sex.

Online Supplementary Material. Table 4. Meta‐analysis results, including odds ratios (OR) with confidence intervals (95% CI) for the influence of sexual behavior risk factors on associations between homelessness sexual victimization, sexual risk behavior and survival sex.

Online Supplementary Material. Table 5. Meta‐analysis results, including odds ratios (OR) with confidence intervals (95% CI) for the influence of peer relationship risk factors on associations between homelessness sexual victimization, sexual risk behavior and survival sex.

Online Supplementary Material. Table 6. Meta‐analysis results, including odds ratios (OR) with confidence intervals (95% CI) for the influence of health and homelessness risk factors on associations between homelessness sexual victimization, sexual risk behavior and survival sex.

Online Supplementary Material. Table 7 Meta‐analysis results, including odds ratios (OR) with confidence intervals (95% CI) for the influence of protective factors on associations between homelessness sexual victimization, sexual risk behavior and survival sex.

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jip1473-sup-001-Sexual_behaviour_rp_revised_online.docxWord 2007 document
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Data S1. Supporting info item

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Source: Online Library, Wiley

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